Wednesday 13 September 2017

Key Terms

Imperialism-Emposing one cultures views on another cultures-Rupert Murdoch. Not healthy because his views influence everyone else because he owns so much media.

Conglomerate- Made up of companies- these are called subsidiaries. Largest Media conglomerates-News Corp/21st century fox. Warner, Viacom.

Independent- Not owned by another company, operates and makes products by itself.

Cross Media Ownership- When a company makes more than one type of media product by owning companies that make different media. IE films, radio tv.

Commercial-Makes a profit

Public Service Broadcaster-Funded by public money (BBC and TV licence fee, channel 4 also has some pb remit-Must educate, inform and entertain and cater for a range of audiences-paralympics channel 4)

Joint Venture-Works with other companies. (warp and film four)-Mutually beneficial

Words such as structure relate to the 'levels' of the conglomerate or where it fits in the 'Ownership Structure'

The Walt Disney Company-conglomerate
A subsidiary is Pixar

Two Ways this can be assessed:
The ways in which different subsidiaries owned by the main conglomerate or parent company could cross promote the main product made/the ways in which the affiliates or joint venture partnerships could cross promote the main product made through what is called horizontal integration. A conglomerate is also likely to be vertically integrated.
These ae the three seps of vertical integration:

Vertical Integration Example:
Apple make phones
Distribute them through there stores
Consumed Online through there website

Horizontal Integration
Apple Store, iTunes, Apple channel on youtube

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