Wednesday 27 September 2017


1) Billboards, newspaper, magazines
2) Social Media, TV, Radio
3) Web reaches a mass audience. Black box-Henry Jenkins. Smartphones share viral.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

L02 Research

Traditional methods by sector-
  • Print-Pop up shops, TV, Billboard,Radio
  • Radio-Adverts in newspapers, billboards, Local buses
  • Film-TV, newspapers, billboards, film trailers (cinematic), reviews in magazines, merchandise disc and sponsorship 
  • Tv-Newspapers, billboards, Magazines, ads on tv (ident)
  • Video Games- Tv ads, magazines-specialist genre, billboards,
  • Music-Flyers, Radio, Tv, billboards, newspapers, specialist mags such as melody maker, Q, kerrang,merchandise and sponsorship endorsement 
Digital Methods-
  • Print products are now advertised on Social Media-twitter, Facebook, snapchat, Digital billboard, website, exaggeration, apps, audience participation-Henry Jenkins-conversion culture-Pre 2005-couldn't share or comment on anything. 1995-2005-web 1.0-not participatory-texts, calls. 2005+ Web 2.0-can put own content online-facebook, youtube ect. Web 3.0-2012+-learns your preferences.
  • Radio-Capital Fm Social Media-Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat filters to advertise competitions and new songs, Capital FM-Apps. Competition example would be summertime ball tickets.
  • Films are most popularly advertised in film trailers for other films with the same age rating. For example Boss Baby was advertised when I went to see the emoji movie. Another popular example is the tv where brief film trailersare shown between shows.
  • Tv-Tv is advertised through ident which advertises new programmes coming out on  he channel you are watching a programme on. For example, you may be about to watch eastenders and an advert for the recent drama ‘Trust Me’ will be shown. They are also advertised in television magazines including when they will be on.
  • Video games are advertised on posters and billboards before a new release is due out. For example with FIFA 18. This will also be advertised on the TV showing some of the in game action. Another way these are advertised is on social media with pages such as FIFA 18 to follow to hear the latest news.
  • Music-The most common place to hear new songs is on the radio such as Hallam FM. Spotify, a music streaming site is advertised on the side of busses also.

L02:Key Terms

  • Advertising- Marketing, information to the audience, creating awareness,
  • Distribution-How the product reaches the audience-channels-shop purchases, downloads, cinema
  • Traditional-Pre-Internet
  • Exam Question- Identify traditional methods of advertising, To identify new media/digital methods of advertising. To explain the differences between between these, To justify why they are both used to promote digital media products. 

Wednesday 13 September 2017


Key Terms

Imperialism-Emposing one cultures views on another cultures-Rupert Murdoch. Not healthy because his views influence everyone else because he owns so much media.

Conglomerate- Made up of companies- these are called subsidiaries. Largest Media conglomerates-News Corp/21st century fox. Warner, Viacom.

Independent- Not owned by another company, operates and makes products by itself.

Cross Media Ownership- When a company makes more than one type of media product by owning companies that make different media. IE films, radio tv.

Commercial-Makes a profit

Public Service Broadcaster-Funded by public money (BBC and TV licence fee, channel 4 also has some pb remit-Must educate, inform and entertain and cater for a range of audiences-paralympics channel 4)

Joint Venture-Works with other companies. (warp and film four)-Mutually beneficial

Words such as structure relate to the 'levels' of the conglomerate or where it fits in the 'Ownership Structure'

The Walt Disney Company-conglomerate
A subsidiary is Pixar

Two Ways this can be assessed:
The ways in which different subsidiaries owned by the main conglomerate or parent company could cross promote the main product made/the ways in which the affiliates or joint venture partnerships could cross promote the main product made through what is called horizontal integration. A conglomerate is also likely to be vertically integrated.
These ae the three seps of vertical integration:

Vertical Integration Example:
Apple make phones
Distribute them through there stores
Consumed Online through there website

Horizontal Integration
Apple Store, iTunes, Apple channel on youtube

Unit 1 Starter Task