Wednesday 22 November 2017

L03 Theories of Representation

1) Male Gaze
Women are made for mens pleasure. In the notebook Noah builds a house for
2) Hyper masculinity  
Ryan gosling is strong and fit. An example of this when he builds a house for Ali.
3)McConnell (1995) hypermasculinity 
How the media shows us things about society-Hence re-presentation.

Key Theory 1-Tim O'Sullivan et al (1998)
For representations to work, there has to be a shared recognition of people and places. All representations therefore have ideologies behind them. Ideology refers to a set of ideas which produces a partial and selective view in reality.

It is only a partial view of reality in the Notebook because Noah builds Ali a house despite them not being together for 20+ years.

Key Theory 2- Laura Mulvey (1975)
Male gaze 
Women are objectified in media texts and passive objects 
Audiences are positioned to view the women from the point of view of a heterosexual male.

Stuart Hall (1995) Alvarado (1987)
Western/White cultures continue to misrepresent ethnic minorities as in the media due to underlying racist tendicies. Eg- non-white as the 'other', evil, barbaric, pitied, humoured. 

The antagonist in my film is the parents of Ali who are rich. This has nothing to do with race just the amount of money they have.

Key Theory 4- Earp and Katz (1999)
Men are often represented as having tendencies of pathological control and violence.

Edward said-Other cultures are 

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