Wednesday 29 November 2017


The main point of view of The Guardian is that the film Batman The Dark Knight Rises should not be rated by the BBFC as a 12A but as a 15 due to the graphic and violent content featured in the video. I agree with the article that the film shouldn't be a 12A because anybody under the age of 12 can go watch this film with their parents. This isn't suitable because the violence and the graphicness could potentially scar the child.

Passive audience theory-Hypodermic syringe implies that media has a negative impact. Mass audiences believe everything they see/hear (Adorno and Horkheimer). In the 1940's and 50's the mass media were perceived as an extreme influence towards audience adapted behaviour. This was linked to the use of advertising and consumerism. This model does not hold much audience positivity, it is a good method for a producer, politicians and also towards the use of marketing. In 1957 Vance Packard looked at the relationship between advertising and media effects in his book 'Hidden Persuasions' He believed the media were conditioning people to want products and services with consumerism. If they're influenced by this then they will be influenced by graphic scenes.

When the 'mass media' demonise groups, people or products that they believe become a threat to society, values and interests. This is called Moral panic. Stanley Cohen (1972). The group/products are referred to as folk devils.
Anderson  (2007) says that high exposure to fast paced violent games can lead to changes in brain function when processing violent images, including dampening of emotional responses to violence. this is known as desensitisation which is a cultivation theory.

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